Marathon Club logo- cartoon dolphin in running shoes and shorts overlaid on a picture of the staring line from Kids Run the OC 2019


Del Lago is excited to bring back the Marathon Club for 2024! The club is focused on helping kids appreciate physical activity and healthy nutritional choices. Our students will be meeting once a week as part of a specially tailored training program offered through the OC Marathon Foundation.


The activities are designed to have the kids get 25 miles of steps in over the course of 10 weeks. Kids can also have the option to participate in running a "Final Mile" (1-mile run) at the OC Marathon at the OC Fairgrounds to round out a full 26 miles of activity. Kids are not required to run the "Final Mile" in the OC Marathon.


The Marathon Club is open to everyone,
and will begin in February, 2024!



Marco Tedde has stepped up to lead Marathon Club this year, and is in need of a few parents to assist (you don’t have to run!). Practices will be once a week, after school, either Wednesdays or Fridays. Email Marco or text him at 949-331-5121 if you’re interested in helping out with this awesome program.


If your student would like to participate in Marathon Club this year, please complete the participation form, and don’t forget to indicate whether Wednesdays or Fridays are the better practice day for your family!